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The following is a list of researchers we are actively collaborating with on projects or have in the past.

  • Dr. Paul M. Barrett, Natural History Museum UK

  • Mr. Victor Beccari, SNSB – Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie

  • Dr. Thomas Cullen, Auburn University

  • Dr. David DeMar, Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

  • Dr. Chris Duffin, Natural History Museum UK

  • Mr. Martin Ebert, Jura Museum, Eichstätt, Germany

  • Dr. Matteo Fabbri, John Hopkins University

  • Dr. Rodney Feldman, Kent State University (Deceased)

  • Dr. Jan Fischer, University of Vienna

  • Mr. Adam Fitch, Virginia Tech

  • Dr. Andy Gale, University of Portsmouth

  • Dr. Guillaume Guinot, Equipe Paléontologie Institut des Sciences de l’Evolution de Montpellier

  • Mr. Shawn Hamm, USD 259

  • Dr. Andrew B. Heckert, Appalachian State University

  • Dr. Fabiany Herrera, Field Museum

  • Dr. David Hone, Queen Mary University, London

  • Dr. Christina Ifrim, Jura-Museum

  • Mr. Patrick Jambura, University of Vienna

  • Dr. Christian Klug, University of Zurich

  • Dr. Jürgen Kriwet, University of Vienna

  • Dr. Arjan Mann, Field Museum

  • Dr. Victoria McCoy, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

  • Dr. Sterling Nesbitt, Virginia Tech

  • Mr. Mark Nohomovich, Virgina Tech

  • Dr. Evgeny Popov, Saratov State University

  • Mr. Isaac Pugh, Virginia Tech

  • Dr. Oliver Rauhut, SNSB – Bayerische Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und Geologie

  • Mr. Luke Rose, University of Louisville

  • Mr. Geovani Sarafini, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

  • Dr. Carrie Schweitzer, Kent State University

  • Dr. Kenshu Shimada, DePaul University

  • Dr. Frederik Spindler, Managing Director at Dinosaurier-Park Altmühltal GmbH

  • Dr. Michelle Stocker, Virginia Tech

  • Dr. Sebastian Stumpf, University of Vienna

  • Dr. Hans-Dieter Sues, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

  • Mr. Denis Theda, University of Bonn

  • Dr. Helmut Tischlinger, Germany

  • MS. Julia Türtscher, University of Vienna

  • Dr. Charles Underwood, Birkbeck College

  • Dr. Romain Vullo Researcher at Université de Rennes 1 France

  • Dr. David Ward, Natural History Museum UK

  • Mr. Simon Wills, Natural History Museum UK

  • Mr. Ruben Winter, LMU Munich, Germany

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