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  • Homestead Garita Creek Triassic Micro Fossil Project in North Eastern New Mexico.  The project provides educational opportunities for students to learn field skills, excavation of a rich micro fossil site and scientific study of this unique locality. This project involves a coalition of the Foundation, Appalachian State University, Virginia Tech and The Natural History Museum UK. Two papers were published on material from the site.


  • Agassizodus Associated Shark Teeth. This project involves describing a set of over 220 associated shark teeth, one of the most complete sets from a complicated genus that needs to be better defined.  David Ward and Chris Duffin, NHMUK


  • Description of the most complete specimen of Chimaeropsis pardoxa from the Solnhofen area of Germany. The holotype, described by a single tooth plate, was lost in WWII.  Chris Duffin, NHMUK, David Ward. NHMUK


  • Review and description of a set of 73 upper and 58 lower associated Shark teeth Cretoxyrhina agassizensis from Cretaceous of the Dallas area of Texas. Charles Underwood, Birkbeck College


  • Review and possible description of Paleocarcharias stromeri for the Solnhofen area of Germany. Patrick Jambura, University of Vienna, Chris Duffin and David Ward, NHMUK


  • Study and description of a Pterosaur Skull from the Jurassic of Eichstätt Germany.

  • Study and description of a large unknown reptile from Jurassic of Mühlheim, Germany.


  • Study and description of a disarticulated large Pterosaur from the Jurassic of Mühlheim, Germany, Dave Hone, Queen Mary University and Adam Fitch, Virginia Tech


  • Study and description of a disarticulated Pterosaur from the Jurassic of Mühlheim, Germany, David Hone, Frederik Spindle


  • UV Light implications on certain Italian fossils, Geovani Sarafini


  • Study and description of a small Pterosaur from the Painten Quarry Jurassic of Germany.  Adam Fitch


  • Preparation of a Catalog Paper of the Eighteen Pterosaurs in the Lauer Foundation Collection. 


  • Various Solnhofen Fish studies utilizing Lauer Foundation specimens.  Martin Ebert, Jura Museum


  • Study of Caturid Fish from Solnhofen.  Ruben Winter, LMU Munich


  • Study and description of an associated set of Cardabiodon shark teeth from Kansas, David Ward, NHM-UK


  • A review of known Solnhofen shark egg capsules including several from the Lauer Foundation collection.  Jan Fisher, University of Vienna and Chris Duffin, NHM-UK


  • Study and description of a possible Otodus skull from Morocco.  David Ward, NHM-UK and Kenshu Shimada, DePaul University


  • Review and description of associated Janessa shark teeth form the Kansas City area.  Chris Duffin, NHM-UK


  • Review and description of a complete shark from Lebanon.  Charlie Underwood, Birkbeck College


  • Review and description of another complete shark from Lebanon.  Guillaume Guinot and Romain Vullo


  • Review and description of a starfish from a French quarry.  Dr. Andy Gale, David Ward, NHM-UK


  • Review and segmentation of a skull of Oenosaurus from the Painten Quarry Jurassic Germany.  This will be included in a paper.  Victor Beccari, SNSB


  • Co-authored paper which included several Lauer Foundation specimens in a study of Batamorphs from the Solnhofen area.  Julia Türtscher


  • The study and description of several Mazon Creek tetrapods from the Lauer Foundation Collection.  Arjan Mann, Field Museum


  • The study and possible description of an associated set of Ptychodus anonymus teeth from Kansas.  Shawn Hamm


  • A review of the Lauer Foundation plants from the Solnhofen area.  Fabiany Herrera, Field Museum



  • Provided access to the Foundation Solnhofen decapods, Kent State University

  • Loaned Solnhofen Crab specimens for inclusion in research paper, Kent State University

  • Co-authored Paper on the Crocodiles of the Painten Quarry, Germany Frederik Spindler

  • Provided an Eichstätt Lizard specimen for an exhibition at the Jura- Museum in Eichstätt, Germany

  • Co-authored Paper on a new Pterosaur from Mühlheim, Germany, Petrodactyle wellnhoferi “Elvis”

  • Co-authored a paper on a Hybodus dentition from Dormettingen, Germany.

  • Co-authored a paper on a new Ichnotaxon Chimaera egg capsule,  Chimaerotheca schernfeldensis

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