Homestead Garita Creek Triassic Micro Fossil Project in North Eastern New Mexico. The project provides educational opportunities for students to learn field skills, excavation of a rich micro fossil site and scientific study of this unique locality. This project involves a coalition of the Foundation, Appalachian State University, Virginia Tech and The Natural History Museum UK. Two papers were published on material from the site.
Agassizodus Associated Shark Teeth. This project involves describing a set of over 220 associated shark teeth, one of the most complete sets from a complicated genus that needs to be better defined. David Ward and Chris Duffin, NHMUK
Description of the most complete specimen of Chimaeropsis pardoxa from the Solnhofen area of Germany. The holotype, described by a single tooth plate, was lost in WWII. Chris Duffin, NHMUK, David Ward. NHMUK
Review and description of a set of 73 upper and 58 lower associated Shark teeth Cretoxyrhina agassizensis from Cretaceous of the Dallas area of Texas. Charles Underwood, Birkbeck College
Review and possible description of Paleocarcharias stromeri for the Solnhofen area of Germany. Patrick Jambura, University of Vienna, Chris Duffin and David Ward, NHMUK
Study and description of a Pterosaur Skull from the Jurassic of Eichstätt Germany.
Study and description of a large unknown reptile from Jurassic of Mühlheim, Germany.
Study and description of a disarticulated large Pterosaur from the Jurassic of Mühlheim, Germany, Dave Hone, Queen Mary University and Adam Fitch, Virginia Tech
Study and description of a disarticulated Pterosaur from the Jurassic of Mühlheim, Germany, David Hone, Frederik Spindle
UV Light implications on certain Italian fossils, Geovani Sarafini
Study and description of a small Pterosaur from the Painten Quarry Jurassic of Germany. Adam Fitch
Preparation of a Catalog Paper of the Eighteen Pterosaurs in the Lauer Foundation Collection.
Various Solnhofen Fish studies utilizing Lauer Foundation specimens. Martin Ebert, Jura Museum
Study of Caturid Fish from Solnhofen. Ruben Winter, LMU Munich
Study and description of an associated set of Cardabiodon shark teeth from Kansas, David Ward, NHM-UK
A review of known Solnhofen shark egg capsules including several from the Lauer Foundation collection. Jan Fisher, University of Vienna and Chris Duffin, NHM-UK
Study and description of a possible Otodus skull from Morocco. David Ward, NHM-UK and Kenshu Shimada, DePaul University
Review and description of associated Janessa shark teeth form the Kansas City area. Chris Duffin, NHM-UK
Review and description of a complete shark from Lebanon. Charlie Underwood, Birkbeck College
Review and description of another complete shark from Lebanon. Guillaume Guinot and Romain Vullo
Review and description of a starfish from a French quarry. Dr. Andy Gale, David Ward, NHM-UK
Review and segmentation of a skull of Oenosaurus from the Painten Quarry Jurassic Germany. This will be included in a paper. Victor Beccari, SNSB
Co-authored paper which included several Lauer Foundation specimens in a study of Batamorphs from the Solnhofen area. Julia Türtscher
The study and description of several Mazon Creek tetrapods from the Lauer Foundation Collection. Arjan Mann, Field Museum
The study and possible description of an associated set of Ptychodus anonymus teeth from Kansas. Shawn Hamm
A review of the Lauer Foundation plants from the Solnhofen area. Fabiany Herrera, Field Museum
Provided access to the Foundation Solnhofen decapods, Kent State University
Loaned Solnhofen Crab specimens for inclusion in research paper, Kent State University
Co-authored Paper on the Crocodiles of the Painten Quarry, Germany Frederik Spindler
Provided an Eichstätt Lizard specimen for an exhibition at the Jura- Museum in Eichstätt, Germany
Co-authored Paper on a new Pterosaur from Mühlheim, Germany, Petrodactyle wellnhoferi “Elvis”
Co-authored a paper on a Hybodus dentition from Dormettingen, Germany.
Co-authored a paper on a new Ichnotaxon Chimaera egg capsule, Chimaerotheca schernfeldensis